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Multiple Sclerosis Support

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Multiple Sclerosis and Vitamin D

By Daryl H. Bryant (404 words)
Posted in Living with MS on December 16, 2011

There are (4) comments permalink

{#/pub/images/VitaminBottle.jpg}Did you know up to 90 percent of American children and seniors are vitamin D deficient? Research has increasingly made the connection between vitamin D deficiency and autoimmune conditions like multiple sclerosis.

What is Vitamin D?

Sometimes biology and medical terminology can make someone go cross eyed so I am going to do my best to lay it out in terms we can all understand.

Vitamin D is synthesized in the body in two ways, first as a prohormone and second as a vitamin D3.

  • Prohormone: Prohormones are simply in the body to support and strengthen hormones that we already have in our bodies. Vitamin D is a prohormone to calitriol, a hormone that regulates the concentration of calcium and phosphate in your system. This is why vitamin D also helps in the prevention of osteoporosis (thinning bones).
  • Vitamin D3: Vitamin D3 is synthesized with sun exposure; this is why many scientists are now finding a correlation between MS statistics in populations of the Earth that don’t get enough sunlight throughout the year. Along with helping our bones, vitamin D3 also plays a role in our immune system.

I explain in my book that: “Studies show that people taking high doses of vitamin can cut their chances if relapse by more than 41 percent.”

How do I know if need more Vitamin D?

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society explains that a person can get the “25-hydroxyvitamin D” test to find out whether they are deficient or adequate.

I also attached a useful infographic that explains a little bit more about vitamin D.

How can I incorporate more Vitamin D in my system?

Supplements are a great way but another great way that I have been promoting is eating fish high in good oils and fats. Fish oil is high in Omega 3 fatty acids which have a multitude of health benefits but it is also a good source of vitamin D.

In Chapter 3 of my book, MS Living Symptom Free, I discuss vitamin and supplement options for MSers, and I also explain what works for me. Remember that everyone's body is unique and it is up to you to find what works best for your body. 


Comments (4)

Cliff posted on: December 16, 2011

I have been taking Vitamin D3 for years... it's really helping with my MS. Thank you for the article.

Daryl posted on: December 19, 2011

Hi Cliff, thanks for the comment, I take vitamin D3 as well and it definitely helps!

prohormone posted on: February 13, 2012

As now prohormone are playing a unique role I am looking for the more supplements for increasing my body strength.

Jacqui posted on: February 25, 2012

I take D3-50 once a week and Metanx daily. They are both perscribed to me by my PCP. He was doing blood work when I first started having problems and all of my levels were pretty much none existant. I have been on these for almost two years now. They help me a lot. I was taking an over the counter b-12 but my levels got high enough and have stayed there. I no longer take that one.

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